Canada and Mexico strengthen relationship in Banff

Banff, Alberta - June 9, 2015.  Today, during the Banff World Media Festival (BWMF), the Canada Media Fund (CMF) and ProMéxico hosted a reception in honour of a Mexican delegation attending the festival this year. CMF President and CEO, Valerie Creighton, and ProMéxico Head of the Investment Promotion and International Business Unit, Ambassador Mario Chacón Carrillo, seized this opportunity to share their objective of working together in order to develop coproduction opportunities for content creators from both countries.

“We are pleased to continue our dialogue with ProMéxico in order to create business opportunities for producers from both countries,” says Valerie Creighton. “Our initial meeting in 2014 to share our experience as MIPCOM Country of Honour has led to a series of discussions that have provided great insight into each other’s industry and funding ecosystem. We have discovered a natural affinity between Canada and Mexico that we intend to build upon in the very near future.  Today is another valuable opportunity to further develop our cooperation and to work towards our common goal of creative compelling content for world audiences. The CMF is pleased to have played a role in inviting ProMéxico to attend BWMF and to see first-hand what Canada has to offer.”

“Since we became continental partners through the North America Free Trade Agreement our ties have been strengthened and our cultures and our societies have been discovering each other,” said Ambassador Mario Chacón Carrillo, Head of the Investment Promotion and International Business Unit of Mexican Federal Government agency ProMéxico. “Many stories have emerged from these encounters between Canadians and Mexicans and we want to tell these stories to our people and to the world in a wide variety of audiovisual formats. To this end we have been exploring and discussing ways to support our audiovisual producers to co-develop and co-produce screen-based productions with an export market orientation generating a virtuous equation of cultural heritage, artistic quality and prestige, country branding and sustainable business for the benefit or our industries.”

About the Canada Media Fund
The Canada Media Fund (CMF) fosters, develops, finances and promotes the production of Canadian content and applications for all audiovisual media platforms.  The CMF guides Canadian content towards a competitive global environment by fostering industry innovation, rewarding success, enabling a diversity of voice and promoting access to content through public and private sector partnerships. Please visit

About the ProMéxico
ProMéxico is the federal government agency responsible for coordinating strategies aimed at strengthening Mexico's participation in the international economy, supporting the process of exporting firms established in the country and coordinating activities aimed at attracting foreign investment. Please visit

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