Canada builds on international reputation at Kidscreen Summit

(Miami, February 8, 2016) – Canada will be well represented at Kidscreen Summit, one of the world’s leading children’s entertainment content markets, to be held in Miami, from February 8 to 11, 2016. Nine Canadian corporations, associations and agencies have pooled their resources to feature Canadian productions and foster business opportunities for Canadian producers. A branded meeting space, a networking reception, a session featuring Canadian producers and support of the Kidscreen awards will keep Canada top-of-mind at this important international trade event.

A delegation of over 350 Canadian content creators and audiovisual industry leaders will come together to promote Canada’s leading role in producing quality children’s programming sold around the world, and to showcase Canada’s wealth of talent and content.

A series of initiatives designed to feature Canada has been developed as a collaborative strategy between the Canada Media Fund (CMF), Youth Media Alliance, la Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC), Creative BC, Ontario Media Development Corporation (OMDC), Bell Fund, Canadian Media Production Association (CMPA) – BC Producers’ Branch, Consulate General of Canada in Miami, and Nova Scotia Business Inc. The strategy will be accentuated by a unified and cohesive new design to Canada’s delegate booth on the trade room floor.

On behalf of the Canadian industry, the CMF will help celebrate the year’s best children’s programming as sponsor of the Kidscreen Summit Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, February 9.

In support of the development and production of audiovisual content for Canadians and world audiences, the Consulate General of Canada in Miami and Canadian partners will host a networking reception on Wednesday, February 10.

The Kidscreen program will include a panel discussion featuring Canadian projects titled, “Igniting social awareness with kids.” Producers and creators will share how they are using inventive storytelling to highlight global and local social issues, engage kids and drive change. The session, which takes place Tuesday, February 11, will include moderator, Amy Friedman (President, Redhead Consulting), and speakers Judith Beauregard (Executive Producer, Tobo), Anthony Leo (Co-President, Aircraft Pictures), Shabnam Rezaei (President, Big Bad Boo) and Gerry Shirren (Managing Director, Cartoon Saloon Limited).

Canada has earned a reputation of producing compelling children’s programming for world audiences to enjoy, in both English and French, and Canada’s strong presence at Kidscreen Summit 2016 is set to build on this reputation.

Visit Kidscreen Summit for further details.

Kidscreen 2016

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