CMF opens applications to COVID-19 Emergency Support Fund

Toronto, May 20, 2020 – The Canada Media Fund (CMF) today opened applications to the COVID-19 Emergency Support Fund. Click here to apply. Click here to access the criteria.

Parent companies that have received support – either directly or indirectly through their subsidiaries – in 2017-2018, 2018-2019 or 2019-2020 are eligible to receive funding following a formula outlined in the criteria.

If an Eligible Applicant has received funding in the previous three years from more than one of either the CMF, Telefilm Canada, or the Canada Council for the Arts, the Applicant must apply to the organization which provided the highest amount of funding over the past three-year period.

The Criteria outlines the general parameters for how the CMF Allocation of the Emergency Relief Funds will be distributed; however, additional information about their company and current circumstances will be requested. Applications through CMF must be submitted via Dialogue up to June 12, 2020.

As allowed by the directive from Government, the CMF will deliver part of the emergency support funding through targeted initiatives for underrepresented groups, as well as to support regional, cultural and linguistic diversity in our industry.

To help workers and companies in the screen-based industries navigate the many programs and resources available to those affected by the crisis, the CMF launched an online information hub. Information on financial support offered through more than 160 programs, as well as other essential resources can be found at

About the Canada Media Fund
The Canada Media Fund (CMF) fosters, develops, finances and promotes the production of Canadian content and applications for all audiovisual media platforms. The CMF guides Canadian content towards a competitive global environment by fostering industry innovation, rewarding success, enabling a diversity of voice and promoting access to content through public and private sector partnerships. The CMF receives financial contributions from the Government of Canada and Canada’s cable, satellite and IPTV distributors. Please visit


Media Contact:

André Ferreira
Communications Manager

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