Second report on “Second Screen and Television”
Benefits and Impacts for the Production Chain
(Ottawa, March 7, 2013)—The various benefits that can be generated for producers and broadcasters by second screen initiatives as well as the potential impacts of these initiatives on the television production chain are the focus of the white paper entitled The Second Screen and Television — Benefits and Impacts (PDF 5MB). This report is the second in a series of three white papers dedicated to the second screen phenomenon.
This 20-page report prepared by Evolumedia Group, co-published with the Canada Media Fund (CMF) and funded by the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC) is currently available as a PDF in English and French on the CMF and Evolumedia websites.
Noting several recent examples, the report specifically looks at the benefits of second screen strategies related to television programs in terms of discovery, loyalty building and monetization.
It also reports that the development and execution of a second-screen strategy have repercussions on the television production chain. From design to application, additional steps must be considered and new players may be called on to take part in the creation process. These impacts are also being felt in programming content and funding, technological choices and the program operation cycle, as second screen strategies are often preceding the broadcast of a show and can survive after the last episodes.
“With this new report on the second screen and television, the CMF seeks to remind content producers and broadcasters that they are in a unique position to take advantage of the opportunities presented by second-screen and social TV strategies. There are innovative ways of dealing with the scattered attention of multitasking viewers, building audience loyalty and creating a real dialogue between television and companion content” explains Catalina Briceno, Director, CMF Industry and Market Trends.
Gilbert Ouellette, President of Evolumedia Group, adds that “completing a report of this kind keeps us at the forefront of the rapid transformations that are affecting the media sector and television in particular. Evolumedia Group is therefore in a position to develop unique expertise with regard to strategic information provided to media professionals.”
About the Canada Media Fund
The Canada Media Fund (CMF) champions the creation and promotion of successful, innovative, Canadian content and software applications for current and emerging digital platforms through financial support and industry research. The CMF was created by Canada’s cable and satellite distributors and the Government of Canada. Visit
The CMF publishes Trendscape, a blog dedicated to the discovery and analysis of various phenomena impacting the content and broadcasting industry.
The CMF also publishes, a website designed to showcase and celebrate Canada’s creative talents and screen-based productions from television productions to games, web content, and software and applications.
About Evolumedia Group
Evolumedia Group is a specialized publishing and event production company providing strategic information and international-level conferences for media professionals to help them better understand the major changes in the audiovisual and interactive content production and broadcasting sectors. The website provides strategic news and a unique online directory listing new media broadcasting platforms throughout the world.
For more information, please contact:
Gilbert Ouellette
Evolumedia Group
Pierre Campeau
Communications Manager
Canada Media Fund